Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm Listening To: "Courage" - Paula Cole, 2007

"Courage" - it's another CD I've been trying to get my hands on for awhile - well, at least since I was aware it had been released last year. I just received my copy a few days ago.

I've been a big fan of Massachusetts-born singer-songwriter Paula Cole fan since her first album, "Harbinger", was released back in 1994. I also really enjoyed "This Fire", her 1996 follow-up release.

If I ever sat down to compile my list of all-time favorite songs, three of Cole's would certainly be there - "I Am So Ordinary" and "Oh John" (from "Harbinger") and "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?" (from "This Fire").

I also have Cole's 1999 release, "Amen". But you know, I remember so little about it that I now realize I need to give it another listen.

The world has been waiting for 8 years for a new Paula Cole album. You can read about what she's been doing in the meantime on her website (link in the second paragraph here). But suffice it to say, it sounds like she almost gave up on her music career. I'm so glad she didn't.

So "Courage" went into my car with me this morning. I enjoyed the first track, feeling like I was being reunited with an old friend. Then I got to track 2, called "Lovelight". It's fantastic! I just kept hitting repeat over and over, until I got to my destination (one of the Oxford-area park and ride lots). So I'll have to write a more complete review once I've heard the entire CD.

I promise that I'll try to listen beyond track 2 on the way back home today, OK?



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