Kendel Carson
As he's done many times before, Bob Harris has done a fabulous job of promoting Kendel Carson's new CD on both his "Bob Harris Country" and his Saturday night programs on BBC Radio 2 recently. Apparently, her "I Like Trucks" has generated a tremendous amount of positive listener comment.
And I can see why. It's so incredibly catchy...and fun! And I'd learned most all the lyrics after only two listenings!
However, what convinced me to add her CD to my humongous collection of music was when he also played "Ain't That a Sun" on one of his recent shows. The girl can really sing! And she doesn't just belt out novelty songs, either.
So this morning, her CD called "Rearview Mirror Tears" arrived on my desk at work, via Amazon UK. I've already unwrapped it, and it's headed for my car's CD player for the drive back home from the Water Eaton Park and Ride this evening!
I didn't know much about Carson until I did a little research on her while eating my sandwich today. She's only 22. She's well-known in her native Canada for her fiddle playing and her singing. She's also part of a folk group called The Paperboys. (Have any of you heard of them before?)
Here's another blogger who has written an item about her this summer.
And you can bet that despite being Track 2 on the CD, I will be playing "I Like Trucks" first thing this evening -- and singin' my heart out right along with her as I cruise the A 4260 in the Oxfordshire countryside!